At Willow Counselling Services we offer couples the opportunity to explore their issues and differences in a safe, non-judgemental environment. We can give support and guidance through the difficult times.
Couples counselling can be approached in two ways:
Independent sessions – this allows each person to explore their feelings / issues and be allowed to express themselves fully with a qualified counsellor before taking further sessions with their partners.This method helps the individual to find a sense of inner well being and allows them to take the next step with confidence.
Working together – other couples choose to work together from the first session, looking, seeing, feeling and exploring issues around their differences in their relationship. Again this happens in a controlled and safe environment with complete, non-judgemental support.
Whichever approach you choose Willow Counselling Services will be there to help you work through your problems and towards a happier future.
“Things here are just perfect. Without our sessions with you, the situation could have been very different. Our time with you made us both remember how much we love each other and that sometimes things just happen to test what you really have, you made us see that.”